LTEXT "Setup has detected another copy of the Mosaic utility on your hard disk, in directory:", -1, 52, 11, 180, 19
LTEXT "You may continue and disable the previous installation, or you may go back and deselect the present mosaic installation.", -1, 14, 45, 232, 21, WS_GROUP
DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Continue", 403, 56, 102, 44, 16
PUSHBUTTON "&Back", 402, 156, 102, 44, 16
ICON 202, 202, 17, 11, 18, 20
LTEXT "Please view the ReadMe file that will be installed in your CD ROM Utilities group for more information concerning Mosaic compatibility issues.", -1, 15, 70, 229, 27, WS_GROUP